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宗次郎 あゆみ オカリナについて 年譜

The origin of the ceramic pipe goes back to an ancient civilization of the 3rd and 4th centuries BC. At that time, the pipes had fewer holes, some of them had only 3 or 4 scales, or people just breathed into the pot-shaped pipes.

The ceramic pipe that we see now has existed since the middle of the 19th century. The original form was born in a small town in northern Italy. From its form the derivation of the word ocarina is said to be "small goose". The Tyrolean poets praised it throughout Europe. Simple and familiar with the fulfilling depth of a beautiful sound, the ocarina was appreciated by all sorts of people and soon gained popularity in Europe, from which it spread all over the world.

The ocarina boom passed over Japan without it being much noticed. By producing music for the NHK program "The Great Yellow River" in 1986, the sound of the ocarina prevailed all over Japan. Now, the population of ocarina lovers is increasing in Japan, and most of them have been influenced by Sojiroユs music.

All the ocarina Sojiro uses today have been handmade by him, starting from designing a form, mixing the clay, and firing in a kiln. Out of every one-hundred ocarina fired, he feels like playing only three or four ocarina.

Sojiro started to create ocarina in1975, and kept making and searching for his own sound for ten years until 1985. As a result he made about ten-thousand pipes. But he actually uses the only ten-odd ocarina he has selected among them.

Sojiro has come this far, searching for his own music matching his sound to nature and the earth.